Risk-Benefit assessment & Multicriteria analysis

Risk-Benefit assessment & Multicriteria analysis

Risk-benefit assessment (RBA) has emerged over the last decade to consider not only the risks associated with food consumption but also the benefits, in the microbiological, nutritional and toxicological fields. Secalim is recognized in this field at the international level and participates in a European network: RISKBENEFIT4EU.Secalim is also participating in an EFSA project, ALTERNATIVA, on the risk-benefit assessment associated with the consumption of insect proteins as a replacement for red meat (see ongoing projects). Risk-Benefit assessement and multicriteria analysis are highly connected to risk assessment but integrate other scientific domains. A European project is ongoing on holistic assessment of the food chain, HOLIFOOD. Therefore they are included in thematic 1: Assess the safety risk.

PhD theses supervised in this topic:

Two theses were supervised by Secalim, one devoted to the risk-benefit evaluation associated with the consumption of infant milk in the first six months of children's life, and the second, on the risk-benefit evaluation associated with consumption of red meat. Currently, there are two phD theses on Risk-benefit assessment or multicriteria analysis, that of Xin Yan and that of Pauline Mombert.

Contact persons :

Other persons involved in this theme:

Below is the list of publications devoted to this field.


In this folder

A selection of Secalim publications in the framework of Risk-Benefit assessment

A project coordinated by Marie Thiollet-Scholtus from UMR INRAE 1132 LAE and co-coordinated by Jeanne-Marie Membré from UMR SECALIM

A detailed analysis of studies integrating life cycle analysis and risk assessment in different areas

A systems approach, which takes into account the entire environment in which food is produced, including economic, environmental and social aspects

Development of a model for simultaneous assessment of chemical and biological risks

Consuming less than 65 g of red mead per day would limit the risk of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular diseases

Assessment of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in France

Health risk assessment for preparing infant formulas for infants in France.

Multi-criteria assessment of the health benefit / risk of heavily vegetated diets (Supervision: Jeanne-Marie Membré, François Mariotti (UMR INRAE PNCA) and Jean-François Huneau (UMR INRAE PNCA)

  • 1 (current)