BIOmarkers of bacterial behaviour using OMIC data and mathematicS [French inter-regional Brittany - Pays de la Loire Project]
Project supervised by Nabila Haddad from UMR SECALIM for the poultry food chain (Pays de la Loire) and Noémie Desriac from LUBEM for the dairy food chain (Brittany)

Staff from SECALIM involved in the BIOMICS project:

  • Nabila Haddad: supervisor
  • Jeanne-Marie Membré
  • Sandrine Guillou
  • Benjamin Duqué: phD student
  • Sandrine Rezé
  • Albert Rossero


  • Duqué, B., J. Canon, N. Haddad, S. Guillou and J.-M. Membré 2021. Quantitative approach to assess the compliance to a performance objective (PO) of Campylobacter jejuni in poultry meat in France. International Journal of Food Microbiology 336: 108916. Ranking du JCR: Q1 (JCR® 2019).
  • Duqué, B., N. Haddad, A. Rossero, J.-M. Membré and S. Guillou 2019. Influence of cell history on the subsequent inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni during cold storage under modified atmosphere. Food Microbiology 84: 103263. Ranking du JCR: Q1.
  • Duqué, B., S. Daviaud, S. Guillou, N. Haddad and J.-M. Membré 2018. Quantification of Campylobacter jejuni contamination on chicken carcasses in France. Food Research International 106: 1077-1085. Ranking du JCR: Q1.


Nabila Haddad, UMR SECALIM

In this folder

Work carried out by UMR SECALIM (Food Safety and Microbiology) aims to understand bacterial behavior and assess the health risk. Among recent studies, a study published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology aims to predict the level of C. jejuni contamination before preparation and consumption at home
Application to stress encountered along the slaughter process
An assessment of consumer exposure to Campylobacter that takes into account strain variability and cell history
Its survival during refrigerated storage depends on the stresses applied during the slaughter stages
Quantification of Campylobacter contamination in chicken carcasses in France
Innovative methodology combining transcriptomics, statistics, and modelling to evaluate the capacity of Campylobacter jejuni to survive stress
Innovative methodology combining transcriptomics, statistics, and modelling to evaluate the capacity of Campylobacter jejuni to survive stress (S. Guillou, N. Haddad, J.M. Membré)

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 02 October 2017 | By: SG