Influence of slaughter practices, in particular bleeding, and pre-slaughter conditions on the persistence of Campylobacter jejuni in French broiler slaughterhouses
Project coordinated by Sandrine Guillou at SECALIM

SECALIM staff involved in the CHILLING project:

  • Sandrine Guillou, coordinator
  • Jean-Michel Cappelier, professor
  • Nabila Haddad, assistant-professor
  • Sofia Strubbia, assistant-professor
  • Francis Lauriau, phD student


Sandrine Guillou, researcher at SECALIM

In this folder

Characterize the variability of the slaughter and pre-slaughter conditions of broiler chickens in the regions of Brittany and Pays de la Loire, likely to influence the level of contamination of carcasses in post-chilling
Influence of slaughtering practices and in particular of penetrant testing on the persistence of Campylobacter in French slaughterhouses (Supervision: Sandrine Guillou, Jean-Michel Cappelier and Nabila Haddad)

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 14 February 2022 | By: SG