Entomophagy: Towards an assessment of the health risks and benefits associated with the consumption of insect-based products
Projet PULSAR coordonné par Géraldine Boué

SECALIM staff involved in the INSECT project:

  • Géraldine Boué, coordinator
  • Michel Federighi
  • Lenaïg Brulé, technician at SECALIM
  • Valérie Anthoine, technician at SECALIM
  • Sofia Strubbia, assistant-professor at SECALIM


Géraldine Boué, assistant-professor at SECALIM

In this folder

Towards risk-benefit assessment of insect-based food products

Modification date: 17 November 2023 | Publication date: 22 February 2022 | By: SG