Understand the bacterial behavior

Understand the bacterial behavior


Secalim studies bacterial responses at the cellular level or at the community level to abiotic modified atmosphere, preservatives, High pressure) and biotic (bacterial interactions and biopreservation) modifications generated by food processing.

Two model bacteria are more particularly studied : Campylobacter jejuni (foodborne hazard mainly found in poultry) and Brochothrix thermosphacta (responsible for meat and seafood spoilage).

Secalim skills for the studies of the responses:

Examples of projects:

  • LYSO project: Functional characterization of the PG hydrolase (SCA91560.1) and LXG protein identified in L. piscium CNCM I-4031 in its inhibitory activity against Listeria monocytogenes
  • BROFILM project: Formation of biofilms on agrifood surfaces by B. thermosphacta
  • ANR ESCAPE : Characterization of the interaction between chicken meat microbiota and the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter
  • European project SAFFI : Safe food for infants in Europe and China - Chemical and Microbiological Risk Assessment
  • ANR FLUOPATH: Single-cell fluorescence-based analysis to develop biomarkers used to better predict stress resistance and virulence of pathogenic bacteria in dairy products