Characterization of the interaction between the chicken meat microbiota and the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter: Towards better meat safety [ANR Project ]

Young Researcher ANR Project coordinated by Nabila Haddad at SECALIM

SECALIM staff involved in the ESCAPE project:

  • Nabila Haddad: coordinator
  • Sandrine Guillou
  • Raouf Tareb
  • Marie-France Pilet
  • Boris Misery
  • Agnès Bouju-Albert
  • Sophie Hautefeuille: phD student


Nabila Haddad, assistant-professor

In this folder

Characterization of the interactions between the microbiota of broiler meat and the pathogen Campylobacter jejuni (Supervision: Sandrine Guillou, Nabila Haddad and Raouf Tareb)

Nabila Haddad, assistant-professor at SECALIM, was awarded the ANR JCJC 2021 with her ESCAPE project on Campylobacter. The ESCAPE project was selected during the ANR 2021 Call for Generic Projects in the CE21 - Food and food systems, in the Young Researchers Young Researchers (JCJC) scheme, which funds individual research projects worn by scientists at the start of their careers.