Safe Food For Infants in Europe and China
European project SAFFI: Safe Food for Infants in China and the EU [projet H2020] coordinated by INRAE QuaPa

SECALIM staff involved in the SAFFI project:

  • Sandrine Guillou
  • Jeanne-Marie Membré
  • Nabila Haddad
  • Agnès Bouju
  • Sandrine Rezé



Valorisation :

Palmont, P., J.-M. Membré, G. Rivière and N. Bemrah 2023. Risk ranking of chemical hazards in foods: comparison of aggregating methods using infant formula as an example. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A: 1-9.

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Safe Food for Infants in China and the EU

Modification date: 17 November 2023 | Publication date: 23 September 2020 | By: SG