SAFFI H2020 Project

SAFFI : Safe Food for Infants in China and the EU [H2020 project ]

Safe Food for Infants in China and the EU

The SAFFI project is one of the 3 projects selected within the framework of the European call for projects SFS-37-2019 "Integrated approaches for food safety along the food chain" concerning research and innovation actions. This project, coordinated by the Inra QuaPA Quality Research Unit for Animal Products, aims to develop an integrated approach to improve the identification, assessment, detection and mitigation of risks linked to microbiological and chemical hazards throughout the food chain in Europe and China.

Considering growing consumer demand for transparent and quality food, and the globalization of food production and the intensification of trade and urbanization, mastering food safety is a priority shared by the Union European (EU) and China. Harmonization of food safety and quality assurance practices is also essential to the development of international trade between China and the EU based on trust and transparency.

The SAFFI project will focus on infant food because it must be strongly regulated given the vulnerability of its target population: infants. In this project, the SECALIM research unit will help to prioritize the main health risks associated with infant feeding and to improve the management of health risks linked to microbiological hazards by the implementation of new "omics" approaches and predictive microbiology. SAFFI will develop and / or improve the multi-stakeholder surveillance system in the infant food sector by integrating the tools and methods for detecting and managing risks from primary production to the consumer, and to develop a system decision support to guide stakeholders in risk management.

Beginning of the project : April 2020

Duration of the project : 4 years

Partners :
This project brings together 20 European and Chinese academic and industrial partners (eight different countries). Five INRA research units participate. Two units from the Centre Pays de la Loire are in: SECALIM for the assessment of microbiological risks and risk ranking, and LABERCA, for the assessment of exposure to chemical contaminants. Finally, the Toxalim, QuaPA and INRA Transfert units are involved in toxicological approaches, chemical risk assessment, setting up and coordinating the project.

Coordination: Erwan Engel (Unité QuaPA)