Campylobacter jejuni

Campylobacter jejuni, a foodborne pathogen

Since 2005, Campylobacterhas been the leading cause of enteritis in humans worldwide. Although largely underestimated, the number of confirmed cases of Campylobacteriosis was 246,158 in 2017 with an EU notification rate of 64.8 per 100,000 population. Infection with C. jejuni can lead to chronic sequelae, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), characterized by damage to the peripheral nervous system leading to reversible neuromuscular palsy. The main reservoirs of C. jejuni are avian and poultry species. In food, the occurrence of Campylobacter remains high in broiler meat and it is considered to be the single most important source of human campylobacteriosis. In 2017, 37.4% of 13,445 samples of fresh chicken meat were found to be Campylobacter positive. C. jejuni is Secalim's model pathogen studied in the framework of thermatic 1: understand the bacterial behaviour and thematic 2: assess the safety risk. The ongoing projects on this topic are the CHILLING and ESCAPE projects.

 Books and book chapters:

  • Haddad, N., R. Tareb and M. Federighi, éds. 2022. Campylobacter. Paris, Société Française de Microbiologie
  • Guillou, S., N. Haddad and R. Tareb 2022. Chapter 8: Survival strategies of Campylobacter jejuni. Campylobacter. N. Haddad, R. Tareb and M. Federighi éds., Société Française de Microbiologie: pp.,
  • Lauriau, F., S. Guillou and M. Federighi 2022. Chapter 6: Overview of the Campylobacter-Control strategies at stages of poultry farm & slaughterhouse. Campylobacter. N. Haddad, R. Tareb and M. Federighi éds., Société Française de Microbiologie: pp.,
  • Vidic, J., S. Auger, M. Marin, F. Rizzotto, N. Haddad, S. Guillou, M. Guyard-Nicodème, P. Vizzini, A. Cossettini, M. Manzano, Z. Kotsiri, E. Panteleli and A. Vantarakis 2023. Chapter 51 - Role of real-time DNA analyses, biomarkers, resistance measurement, and ecosystem management in Campylobacter risk analysis. Present Knowledge in Food Safety. M. E. Knowles, L. E. Anelich, A. R. Boobis and B. Popping, éds., Academic Press: pp. 752-776, 978-0-12-819470-6.
  • Guérin, A., A. Rouger, R. Tareb, J. Hultman, J. Bjorkroth, M. F. Pilet, M. Zagorec and O. Tresse 2019. Advanced 'omics approaches applied to microbial food safety & quality : from ecosystems to the emerging foodborne pathogen Campylobacter. Food Molecular Microbiology. P. Spiros and P. K. Jayanta, éds., CRC Press: pp. 88-100, 978-1-910190-89-0; 978-1-910190-90-6.
  • Messaoudi, S. and M. Federighi 2017. Campylobacter jejuni et autres Campylobacter thermotolérants responsables d’intoxications alimentaires. Risques microbiologiques alimentaires. F. Dubois-Brissonnet, L. Guillier and M. Naïtali, éds., Lavoisier Tec & Doc: pp. 461-480
  • Federighi , M. 2017. How to control campylobacter in poultry farms?: An overview of the main strategies. Poultry science. M. Manafi, éd.,  Zagreb, Intech Open Sciences/Open minds: pp. 229, ISBN : 978-963-51-2945-5.
  • Rodrigues, R., V. Bronnec, O. Tresse, J.-M. Cappelier and N. Haddad 2015. A Review of Campylobacter jejuni Pathogenesis: Main virulence factors and their use as biomarkers. Campylobacter Infections: Epidemiology, Clinical Management and Prevention. B. A. Bertucci, éd.,  New York, Nova Science Publishers INC: pp., 978-1-63463-874-6
  • Better Understanding of the Campylobacter Conundrum par Garenaux, A., C. Luchetti-Miganeh, G. Ermel, F. Barloy-Hubler, R. De Jonge, D. Newell, S. Payot, M. Federighi, O. Tresse, S. Guillou and M. Ritz, sortie en 2008. Nova Science Publishers INC New York, ISBN : 9781604566369

PhD theses supervised on this topic:

Campylobacter jejuni has been one of the bacterial models studied at Secalim for many years. Studies of Secalim on C. jejuni concern the influence of stress on the pathogen's behaviour, and especially the oxydative stress. Several PhD theses have been devoted to it (2024, 2020, 2016, 2015a, b, 2012, 2010a, b et c et 2007) and several projects as well, as can be seen from this list of publications. Two phD theses are currently on this topic, that of  Charlotte Riou-Delacourcelle and that of Sophie Hautefeuille.

Contact person:

Nabila Haddad, Assistant-Professor at Secalim.

Other persons involved at Secalim :


In this folder

An extract of Secalim's publication about C. jejuni

Characterize the variability of the slaughter and pre-slaughter conditions of broiler chickens in the regions of Brittany and Pays de la Loire, likely to influence the level of contamination of carcasses in post-chilling

Nabila Haddad, assistant-professor at SECALIM, was awarded the ANR JCJC 2021 with her ESCAPE project on Campylobacter. The ESCAPE project was selected during the ANR 2021 Call for Generic Projects in the CE21 - Food and food systems, in the Young Researchers Young Researchers (JCJC) scheme, which funds individual research projects worn by scientists at the start of their careers.

An assessment of consumer exposure to Campylobacter that takes into account strain variability and cell history

Application to stress encountered along the slaughter process

Its survival during refrigerated storage depends on the stresses applied during the slaughter stages

Work carried out by UMR SECALIM (Food Safety and Microbiology) aims to understand bacterial behavior and assess the health risk. Among recent studies, a study published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology aims to predict the level of C. jejuni contamination before preparation and consumption at home

Quantification of Campylobacter contamination in chicken carcasses in France

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