Books and book chapters

Books and book chapters

Book coordination


    Membré, J.-M., éd. 2022. Microbiological Risk Assessment associated with the food processing and distribution chain. Sciences. Agronomy and Food Science - Food Safety, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Associated chapters:

  •         Membré, J.-M. and N. Haddad 2022. Biological hazard identification. Microbiological Risk Assessment associated with the food processing and distribution chain. J.-M. Membré éd.,  London, John Wiley & Sons, ISTE Ltd: pp. 1-25
  •         Haddad, N. 2022. Detection and enumeration of foodborne pathogens and bacterial toxins in food. Microbiological Risk Assessment associated with the food processing and distribution chain. J.-M. Membré éd.,  London, John Wiley & Sons, ISTE Ltd: pp. 27-68
  •         Aguirre Garcia, M. and N. Haddad 2022. Pathogenic mechanisms of bacterial foodborne pathogens Microbiological Risk Assessment associated with the food processing and distribution chain. J.-M. Membré éd.,  London, John Wiley & Sons, ISTE Ltd: pp. 97-140
  •         Membré , J.-M. 2022. Conclusion. Microbiological Risk Assessment associated with the food processing and distribution chain. J.-M. Membré éd.,  London, John Wiley & Sons, ISTE Ltd: pp. 193-203
  •         Membré , J.-M. 2022. Appendices. Microbiological Risk Assessment associated with the food processing and distribution chain. J.-M. Membré éd.,  London, John Wiley & Sons, ISTE Ltd: pp. 205-217



    Haddad, N., éd. 2022. Hazards in the food processing and distribution chain Sciences. Agronomy and Food Science - Food Safety. London, John Wiley & Sons, ISTE Ltd.

    Associated chapters:

  •         Cappelier, J. M. 2022. Bacterial and parasitic hazards and consumption of meat. Hazards in the food processing and distribution chain N. Haddad, éd.,  London, John Wiley & Sons, ISTE Ltd: pp. 1-56
  •         Haddad, N. 2022. Conclusion. Hazards in the food processing and distribution chain N. Haddad, éd.,  London, John Wiley & Sons, ISTE Ltd: pp. 221-223



    Haddad, N., R. Tareb and M. Federighi, éds. 2022. Campylobacter. Paris, Société Française de Microbiologie.SFM: 978-2-87805-040-0

       Associated chapters:

  •         Kooh, P. and M. Federighi 2022. Campylobacter and food safety. Campylobacter. N. Haddad, R. Tareb and M. Federighi, éds.,  Paris, Société Française de Microbiologie: pp. 11-26, SFM: 978-2-87805-040-0
  •         Haddad, N., M. Aguirre Garcia and J. M. Cappelier 2022. Pathogenic mechanism of Campylobacter jejuni. Campylobacter. N. Haddad, R. Tareb and M. Federighi, éds.,  Paris, Société Française de Microbiologie: pp. 27-46, SFM: 978-2-87805-040-0
  •         Lauriau, F., S. Guillou and M. Federighi 2022. Overview of the Campylobacter  the control strategies at stages of poultry farm & slaughterhouse. Campylobacter. N. Haddad, R. Tareb and M. Federighi, éds.,  Paris, Société Française de Microbiologie: pp. 89-116, SFM: 978-2-87805-040-0
  •         Guillou, S., N. Haddad and R. Tareb 2022. Survival strategies of Campylobacter jejuni. Campylobacter. N. Haddad, R. Tareb and M. Federighi éds., Société Française de Microbiologie, pp. 139-175, SFM: 978-2-87805-040-0



    Tresse, O., Alvarez-Ordóñez, A., and Connerton, I.F., 2018. About the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter, p. 221, Frontiers Research Topics. Frontiers in Microbiology and Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology.




Livre publié en 2016 (3)

    Membré, J.-M. and V. Valdramidis, éds. 2016. Modeling in Food Microbiology: from predictive microbiology to exposure assessment, ISTE Press and Elsevier. 102 pages. ISBN: 9781785481550.

    Associated chapters:

  •         Membré, J. M. and S. Dagnas 2016. Modelling microbial responses: application to food spoilage. Modeling in Food Microbiology: from predictive microbiology to exposure assessment. J. M. Membré and P. Valdramidis, éds., ISTE Press and Elsevier. Chapter 4: pp., 9781785481550.



    Champomier Vergès, M.-C., M. Zagorec. 2015. La métagénomique : Développements et futures applications. ISBN: 978-2-7592-2293-3, Editions Quae.

    Associated chapters:

  •         Renault, P., M. Zagorec and M.-C. Champomier Vergès 2015. Communautés microbiennes des aliments. La métagénomique : Développements et futures applications, Editions Quae Collection Savoir Faire. pp. 57-70, ISBN: 978-2-7592-2293-3.
  •         Champomier Vergès, M.-C. and M. Zagorec 2015. Synthèse et perspectives. La métagénomique : Développements et futures applications, Editions Quae Collection Savoir Faire. pp. 109-114, ISBN: 978-2-7592-2293-3.


flores pro

    Zagorec, M., Christeans, S. 2013. Les flores protectrices pour la conservation des aliments : utilisation, efficacité et interactions dans l’écosystème microbien.ISBN: 978-2-7592-1920-9.  Editions Quae.

    Associated chapters:

  •         Christieans, S., Delbès-Paus, C., Denis, C., Montel, M.-C., Prévost, H., Rivollier, M., Stahl, V. 2013. Chapitre 2 - Mécanismes d'action. In: Zagorec, M., Christieans, S., (Eds.), Flores protectrices pour la conservation des aliments Editions Quae, Versailles, France.
  •         Denis, C., Champomier-Vergès, M., Zagorec, M., Talon, R., Michel, V. 2013. Chapitre 1 - Critères de sélection des micro-organismes bioprotecteurs. In: Zagorec, M., Christieans, S., (Eds.), Flores protectrices pour la conservation des aliments Editions Quae, Versailles, France.
  •         Feurer, C., Christieans, S., Rivollier, M., Leroy, S., Talon, R., Champomier-Vergès, M., Zagorec, M., Desmonts, M. 2013. Chapitre 4 - Applications dans la filière des produits carnés. In: Zagorec, M., Christieans, S., (Eds.), Flores protectrices pour la conservation des aliments Editions Quae, Versailles, France.
  •         Le Fur, B., Wacogne, D., Lorre, S., Pilet, M.-F., Leroi, F. 2013. Chapitre 5 - Applications dans la filière des produits de la mer. In: Zagorec, M., Christieans, S., (Eds.), Flores protectrices pour la conservation des aliments Editions Quae, Versailles, France.
  •         Spinnler, H.-E., Zagorec, M., Christieans, S. 2013. Chapitre 7 - Vers une règlementation appropriée des flores protectrices. In: Zagorec, M., Christieans, S., (Eds.), Flores protectrices pour la conservation des aliments Editions Quae, Versailles, France.
  •         Zagorec, M., Champomier-Vergès, M., Christieans, S. 2013. Introduction - La biopréservation et les microorganismes bioprotecteurs. In: Zagorec, M., Christieans, S., (Eds.), Flores protectrices pour la conservation des aliments Editions Quae, Versailles, France.


Books and book chapters

couverture encyclopedia meat science

Zagorec, M. and M.-C. Champomier Vergès 2024. Microbiological issues affecting nutrition/safety of meat. Reference Module in Food Science. M. Dikeman, éd., Elsevier , Ltd. 3rd edition. pp. 695–701, ISBN 9780323851251.





    Vidic, J., S. Auger, M. Marin, F. Rizzotto, N. Haddad, S. Guillou, M. Guyard-Nicodème, P. Vizzini, A. Cossettini, M. Manzano, Z. Kotsiri, E. Panteleli and A. Vantarakis 2023. Chapter 51 - Role of real-time DNA analyses, biomarkers, resistance measurement, and ecosystem management in Campylobacter risk analysis. Present Knowledge in Food Safety. M. E. Knowles, L. E. Anelich, A. R. Boobis and B. Popping, éds., Academic Press: pp. 752-776, 978-0-12-819470-6.




    Zagorec, M. and M.-C. Champomier Vergès 2022. Meat microbiology and spoilage. Lawrie's meat science. F. Toldra, éd., Elsevier - Woodhead Publishing 9th edition. pp. 195-218, 978-0-323-85408-5





    Teran, L. C., R. R. Raya, M. Zagorec and M.-C. Champomier-Verges 2019. Genetics and genomics of Lactobacillus sakei and Lactobacillus curvatus. Lactobacillus Genomics and Metabolic Engineering. S. M. Ruzal, éd.: pp. 19-29, 978-1-910190-89-0; 978-1-910190-90-6





    Guérin, A., A. Rouger, R. Tareb, J. Hultman, J. Bjorkroth, M. F. Pilet, M. Zagorec and O. Tresse 2019. Advanced 'omics approaches applied to microbial food safety & quality : from ecosystems to the emerging foodborne pathogen Campylobacter. Food Molecular Microbiology. P. Spiros and P. K. Jayanta, éds., CRC Press: pp. 88-100, 978-1-910190-89-0; 978-1-910190-90-6




    Illikoud, N., E. Jaffrès and M. Zagorec 2018. Brochothrix thermosphacta. Encyclopedia of Microbiology (Fourth Edition). T. M. Schmidt, éd.,  Oxford, Academic Press: pp. 588-603, 978-0-12-811737-8





   Membré, J.-M. and Boué, G., 2017. Quantitative microbial risk assessment during food processing, p. 183-201. In: Valdramidis, P., Cummins, E., and Van Impe, J.F.M. (Eds.), Textbook on quantitiative tools for sustainable food and energy in the food chain. EUROSIS-ETI Publications, Ghent, Belgium.





    Messaoudi, S. and Federighi , M., 2017. Campylobacter jejuni et autres Campylobacter thermotolérants responsables d’intoxications alimentaires, p. 461-480. In: Dubois-Brissonnet, F., Guillier, L., and Naïtali, M. (Eds.), Risques microbiologiques alimentaires. Lavoisier Tec & Doc.





Federighi , M., 2017. How to control campylobacter in poultry farms?: An overview of the main strategies, p. 229. In: Manafi, M. (Ed.), Poultry Science. Intech Open Sciences/Open minds, Zagreb.





    Brunet, C., Aviat, F., Federighi, M., Bérard, L., and Oulaha, N., 2017. Partie 1: Bois et contact alimentaire. Chapitre 1 : Contexte, p. 3-11. In: Aviat, F. and Oulahal, N. (Eds.), Bois et industries agroalimentaires. Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris.

Federighi, M. and Poupault, P., 2017. Partie 1: Bois et contact alimentaire. Chapitre 2 : Cadre  réglementaire  des  matériaux  au  contact  des  aliments  –  Cas particulier  du  bois  p. 13-20. In: Aviat, F. and Oulahal, N. (Eds.), Bois et industries agroalimentaires. Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris.



Zagorec, M. and M.-C. Champomier Vergès 2017. Meat microbiology and spoilage. Lawrie's meat science. F. Toldra, éd., Elsevier - Woodhead Publishing: pp. 187-230, 978-0-08-100694-8.





Rodrigues, C.R., Haddad, N., and Tresse, O., 2017. Methods for proteome analysis of Campylobacter jejuni using 2-D electrophoresis, p. 233-244. In: Butcher, J. and Stintzi, A. (Eds.), Campylobacter jejuni: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) Springer, New York.




proteomics in food science

    Tresse, O. 2017. Proteomics Analyses Applied to the Human Foodborne Bacterial Pathogen Campylobacter spp. Proteomics in Food Science. M. Colgrave, éd., Academic Press Chapter 27: pp. 538, 9780128040072





  Guillou, S., M. Lerasle, H. Simonin and M. Federighi 2016. High pressure processing of meat and meat products. Emerging Technologies in Meat Processing. E. J. Cummins and J. Lyng, éds., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. First Edition. pp. 35-99, 978-1-118-35068-3.





    Membré, J.-M. 2016. Microbiological risk assessment in food industry. Food Hygiene and Toxicology in Ready-to-Eat Foods. P. Kotzekidou, éd.,  UK, Elsevier, Inc.: pp. 337-349.




proteomics in foods

Rul, F., M. Zagorec and M.-C. Champomier-Vergès 2015. Lactic acid bacteria in fermented foods. Proteomics in foods, principles and applications. F. Toldra, éd.,  New York, USA, Springer





Rodrigues, R., V. Bronnec, O. Tresse, J.-M. Cappelier and N. Haddad 2015. A Review of Campylobacter jejuni Pathogenesis: Main Virulence Factors and Their Use As Biomarkers. Campylobacter Infections: Epidemiology, Clinical Management and Prevention. B. A. Bertucci, éd.,  New York, Nova Science Publishers INC: pp., 978-1-63463-874-6




    Dousset, X., E. Jaffrès and M. Zagorec 2015. Spoilage – bacterial spoilage. Encyclopedia of Food & Health. F. Toldra, éd.,  Oxford UK, Elsevier Ltd, Academic Press Chapter 649: pp.





    Anba-Mondoloni, J., M.-C. Champomier-Vergès, M. Zagorec, S. Leroy, E. Dordet-Frisoni, S. Planchon and R. Talon 2015. The Genetics of Microbial Starters. Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry. F. Toldra, éd., John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. second edition. 19: pp. 161-168.

Champomier-Vergès, M.-C. and M. Zagorec 2015. Spoilage microorganisms: Risk and Control. Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry. F. Toldra, éd., John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. second edition. 45: pp. 385-388.



   Champomier-Vergès, M. C. and M. Zagorec 2015. Lactobacillus sakei in meat fermentation. Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria: novel applications. F. Mozzi, R. R. Raya and G. M. Vignolo, éds., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Second Edition. Chapter 13: pp. 209-215.





    Zagorec, M., M.-C. Champomier Vergès and C. Cailliez-Grimal 2014. Identification Methods/DNA fingerprinting: whole genome sequencing. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. C. A. Batt and M. L. Tortorello, éds.,  Oxford, UK, Elsevier Ltd, Academic Press pp. 295-299, ISBN 9780123847300.

    Membré, J.-M. 2014. Hazard Appraisal (HACCP). Establishment of performance criteria (MS 155). Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. C. Batt and M.-L. Tortorello, éds., Elsevier: pp., ISBN 9780123847300.



Membré, J.M. 2012. Setting of Thermal Processes in a Context of Food Safety Objectives (FSOs) and Related Concepts. In: Valdramidis, V.P., Van Impe, J.F.M., (Eds.), Progress on quantitative approaches of thermal food processing, vol. Chapter 12. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA. 297-326.





    Pilet, M.F., Leroi, F. 2011. Applications of protective cultures, bacteriocins and bacteriophages in fresh seafood and seafood products. In: Lacroix, C., (Ed.), Protective cultures, antimicrobial metabolites and bacteriophages for food and beverage biopreservation. Woodhead Publishing, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6AH, England.

Modification date: 21 November 2023 | Publication date: 02 December 2013 | By: SG