Assess the food safety risk

Assess the food safety risk


Evaluate the food safety risk is one of the Secalim thematics. It comprises hazard analysis, quantification of microbiological exposure (conventional microbiology and predictive microbiology and omics approaches), quantitative microbiological risk assessment and risk-benefit assessment.

Examples of projects :

  • An INSECT thesis project: Entomophagy: Towards an assessment of the health risks-benefits associated with the consumption of insect-based products
  • A European project ITN PROTECT; a collaborative project to train PhD students in modeling, with skills acquisition in quantitative risk assessment, food processes, life-cycle analysis and decision support.
  • A European EFSA ALTERNATIVA project: risk-benefit assessment of the use of insect proteins to replace beef.
  • A European HOLIFOOD project: An integrated approach that takes into account the whole environment in which food is produced, including economic, environmental and social aspects.
  • A European SAFFI project: Healthy food for children in Europe and China - Chemical and microbiological risk assessment