Improve microbial quality and safety of fish [ERA-NET European Project]
Project coordinated by Françoise Leroi d'IFREMER Nantes

SECALIM staff involved in SAFEFISHDISH/

  • Marie-France Pilet
  • Norman Wiernacz, ph.D student


Valorisation :

  •  Wiernasz, N., F. Gigout, M. Cardinal, J. Cornet, J. Rohloff, P. Courcoux, E. Vigneau, S. Skírnisdottír, D. Passerini, M.-F. Pilet and F. Leroi 2021. Effect of the manufacturing process on the microbiota, organoleptic properties and volatilome of three salmon-based products. Foods 10(11).
  • Wiernasz, N., F. Leroi, F. Chevalier, J. Cornet, M. Cardinal, J. Rohloff, D. Passerini, S. Skırnisdóttir and M.-F. Pilet 2020. Salmon gravlax biopreservation with lactic acid bacteria: A polyphasic approach to assessing the impact on organoleptic properties, microbial ecosystem and volatilome composition. Frontiers in Microbiology 10(3103). Ranking du JCR: Q2 (JCR® 2019).
  • Wiernasz, N., J. Cornet, M. Cardinal, M.-F. Pilet, D. Passerini and F. Leroi 2017. Lactic acid bacteria selection for biopreservation as a part of hurdle technology approach applied on seafood. Frontiers in Marine Science 4: 119. Ranking du JCR: Q1 (JCR® 2018).


Marie-France Pilet, UMR SECALIM

See also

In this folder

Improve the sensorial and microbiological quality of seafood products and ensure food safety from harvest to consumer
Quality and safety improvement of seafood products by hurdle technologies, including biopreservation.Effect on microbial ecosystems (M.F. Pilet, F. Leroi (Ifremer))
Quality of smoked salmon versus salmon gravlax

Modification date: 17 November 2023 | Publication date: 02 October 2017 | By: SG