
SECALIM at FoodMicro2024

SECALIM attended the international conference of food microbiology FoodMicro that was held in Burgos in Spain from the 8th to the 11th of july 2024

The conference gathered around 450 scientists from all European countries around food microbiology thematics. SECALIM was present with 2 oral communications, 2 flash communications and 2 posters:

  • Oral communication of Emmanuel Jaffrès, assistant-professor at SECALIM on the work of Antoine Gaillac, who he supervised with Hervé Prévost:

Biofilm formation by Brochothrix thermosphacta: Impact of food industrial surfaces on the biofilm features and structure »

  • Oral communication of Chrysanthi Champidou, Ph.D student at SECALIM, supervised by Nabila Haddad, Jeanne-Marie Membré from SECALIM and Mariem Ellouze from Nestlé:

« Thermal inactivation of Bacillus lucheniformis, Bacillus subtilis & Bacillus cereus spores in a pea-based milk alternative »




  • Flash communication of Francis Lauriau, Ph.D student at SECALIM, supervised by Nabila Haddad, Sandrine Guillou and Jean-Michel Cappelier from SECALIM:

« Slaughter line speed and chilling stage: accessible levers for food business operators to reduce the concentration of Campylobacter on  broiler carcasses »




  • Flash communication of Boris Misery, assistant-professor at SECALIM, on the work of Rima Djema, master 2 student, in the framework of the thesis of Xin Yan on insect food:

« Study of the microbial dynamics of Hermetia illucens along the rearing and processing steps: an insight for the future safe introduction for human food »




  • Poster of Sophie Hautefeuille, Ph.D student at SECALIM, supervised by Sandrine Guillou, Nabila Haddad and Raouf Tareb, at SECALIM in the framework of the project ESCAPE :

« Investigating co-occurences to decoding the interplay between bacterial communities and the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter in broiler meat »

  • Poster of Sandrine Guillou, research engineer at SECALIM on the work obtained in the framework of the european project SAFFI, with the collaboration and support of Nabila Haddad, Agnès Bouju and Sandrine Rezé

« What is the fate of Listeria monocytogenes contaminating baby food purées »



Modification date: 12 July 2024 | Publication date: 12 July 2024 | By: SG