Rached Ismail

PhD thesis of Rached Ismail (2012-2015)

Microbiological characterisation of the model micro-organism-wood-food (M. Federighi, F. Aviat)

Rached Ismail


In France, the wood material is authorized for food contact by the decree of 1945, reinforced by the information note DGCCRF No. 2012-93 “Wood material” (Directorate General for Consumer Affairs, Competition and Fraud Control), setting the positive list of wood species permitted for food contact. Although previous studies have shown the hygienic quality of wooden cutting boards and bacteriostatic quality of ripening shelves, work is still needed to microbiological characterization of the wooden surface.
In this context, three recovering methods of microorganisms were compared and validated for three types of wood (dry or wet) used by the French sector of wood packaging suppliers. Three microbiological hazards fo sectors which use wooden packaging were tested. Thus, the grinding method was adopted for the packaging timber thickness less than 5 mm while the planing method is intended for packaging timber greater than 5 mm.
Both methods have enabled the field-analysis of the microflora of wooden packaging and wooden surfaces in direct contact with food and the quantification of microbiological transfer from wood to target food in the laboratory, according to different parameters.
The results corroborate the hygienic safety of wood for direct food contact.
This work was conducted as part of the French scientific consortium, EmaBois combining industrials of the Pôle Emballages bois, UMR 1014 SECALIM- Oniris and technology institutes as FCBA and ACTALIA dairy foodstuff.

Valorisation :

  • Aviat, F., C. Gerhards, J.-j. Rodriguez-Jerez, V. Michel, I. L. Bayon, R. Ismail and M. Federighi 2016. Microbial Safety of Wood in Contact with Food: A Review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 15: 491-505. Ranking du JCR: Q1. https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12199.
  • Dubreil, L., F. Aviat, V. Anthoine, R. Ismail, A. Rossero and M. Federighi 2018. Confocal spectral microscopy—an innovative tool for tracking of pathogen agents on contaminated wooden surfaces. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 76: 1083–1085. Ranking du JCR: Q1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00107-018-1294-z.
  • Ismail, R., F. Aviat, P. Gay-Perret, I. Le Bayon, M. Federighi and V. Michel 2017. An assessment of L. monocytogenes transfer from wooden ripening shelves to cheeses: Comparison with glass and plastic surfaces. Food Control 73, Part B: 273-280. Ranking du JCR: Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2016.08.014.
  • Ismail, R., F. Aviat, V. Michel, I. Le Bayon, P. Gay-Perret, M. Kutnik and M. Federighi 2013. Methods for Recovering Microorganisms from Solid Surfaces Used in the Food Industry: A Review of the Literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10(11): 6169-6183. Ranking du JCR: Q2. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph10116169
  • Ismail, R., I. Le Bayon, V. Michel, M. Jequel, M. Kutnik, F. Aviat and M. Federighi 2015. Comparative study of three methods for recovering microorganisms from wooden surfaces in the food industry. Food Analytical Methods 8(5): 1238-1247. Ranking du JCR: Q2. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12161-014-0008-3.
  • Montibus, M., R. Ismaïl, V. Michel, M. Federighi, F. Aviat and I. Le Bayon 2016. Assessment of Penicillium expansum and Escherichia coli transfer from poplar crates to apples. Food Control 60: 95-102. Ranking du JCR: Q1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.07.025.