NEWLINK: A new link in the cold chain between collective catering and food aid associations [BETTER exploratory Project]

Fight against food waste and contribute to food aid

In order to fight against food waste in collective catering, the EGalim law (2019) requires large establishments to engage in a policy of partnership with food aid associations. This policy implies new steps (packaging, collection, transport, storage and distribution of donations) to be integrated in terms of cold chain management in order to guarantee the sanitary quality of the collected products. Despite the undeniable benefits (fight against food insecurity, reduction of waste and waste...), this activity also generates an environmental and economic impact due to the mobilization of personnel and equipment. Due to its recent nature and relative complexity, very few studies have been conducted on the collection and redistribution of unsold meals to associations.
This project aims at analyzing and optimizing the redistribution of unsold meals from collective catering to associations. An inventory will be carried out in order to characterize the functioning of the various stages, to identify critical points and to know the registration in the territory of the participating structures and their relationship between them. Then, a cost-benefit analysis will be carried out in order to support optimization strategies. Eventually, a decision support tool for the collection and redistribution of unsold meals could be proposed.   

INRAE partner units:

  • UR FRISE,  TRANSFORM department, coordinator
  • UMR SADAPT, ACT department
  • UMR SECALIM,  MICA department

See also

NEWLINK on the website of the BETTER metaprogramme