Single-cell fluorescence-based analysis to develop biomarkers used to better predict stress resistance and virulence of pathogenic bacteria in dairy products [ANR Project ]

The FluoPath project is financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR) over the period April 2024-March 2028 (AAPG 2023), and has been accredited by 2 competitiveness clusters: Vitagora and Valorial. The project brings together 7 partners, including 4 academic research laboratories (UMR PAM, UMR SECALIM, UMR SQPOV and LUBEM), 2 Agro-Industrial Technical Institutes (AERIAL and ADRIA) and the dairy interprofession (CNIEL).

The main objective of this project is to determine new biomarkers (promoters inducing the expression of genes of interest) coupled with a fluorescent biosensor, enabling us to acquire new knowledge of the physiological state of two pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus) in dairy environments (milk, diluted model cheese and, if possible, solid model cheese) in relation to the impact of technological disturbances. Ultimately, this knowledge, combined with that available in the scientific literature, will be used to improve predictive models for microbiological risk in dairy products.

In this project, SECALIM co-supervises a ph.D thesis on the stress response of Listeria monocytogenes with UMR PAM d'AgroSup Dijon.