COMPCAMP: identifier les complexes protéiques de la membrane de Campylobacter jejuni par une approche 'omique' [Projet RFI Food For Tomorrow]

Membrane complexome of Campylobacter jejuni

The CompCamp project aims at knocking down technical constrains associated with the identification of protein membrane complex of Camplobacter jejuni by using 'omic' approaches. This project is funded by the French Research - Training - Innovation programme 'Food For Tomorrow / Cap Aliment'. It operates through close collaboration with Pr Emmanuelle Dé from UMR-CNRS 6270 PBS for the optimisation of extraction and identification of protein sub-units by LC-MS/MS. Odile Tresse coordinates this project for SECALIM and Dr. Alizée Guérin, as a post-doctoral fellow, performs the experiments with the help of Agnès Bouju and Maxime Provost.

Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 17 January 2018 | Redactor : SG