Boris Recruitment

A new recruit at SECALIM

Boris Misery has been recruited as an assistant professor at Oniris, in Microbial Ecology

Boris Misery was recruited on June 23 as an assistant professor in Microbial Ecology at Oniris. He will teach in the MicroBioTech unit attached to the Biology, Pathology and Food Science (BPSA) teaching department of the Oniris engineering program. He will carry out his research activities within the UMR 1014 SECALIM on the theme of Understanding bacterial behavior, in particular by relying on advanced high-throughput technologies such as "omics", such as metagenomics, with the objective of better describing and understanding the biological functioning of living organisms, while taking into account the environment to which these living organisms are exposed and the ecosystems in which they evolve.
Boris followed the Master Sciences, Technologies, Health, Mention Ecosciences and Microbiology, at the University Claude Bernard in Lyon, before completing his PhD thesis in the team Food Matrices and Microbiota (MALIM) of the unit Food Bioprocesses Toxicology Environment (ABTE) at the University of Caen. His thesis topic was the study of microbial ecosystems for the improvement of the organoleptic quality of distilled cider and calvados, using analytical techniques and next generation sequencing approaches.
Since September 2021, he was a contract teaching and research fellow at Oniris. We are delighted that he is now a permanent staff member of Oniris and SECALIM. Boris is already involved in several research projects related to the microbial ecology of poultry meat. We wish him a warm welcome and a good integration in this new position.